for email admins

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mxbox app

a ready-to-use email server that receives any message sent to the authorized domain

Subsections of for email admins

mxbox app


RealSender’s “mxbox” app is a ready-to-use email server,
that receives any message sent to the authorized domain.
It immediately becomes operational as soon as the mx record points to it.

It is often used as an emergency mail server.

If your regular email service goes down,
mxbox will immediately accept any message sent to it.
Without any special configuration required,
such as specifying individual user email addresses.

When configured as historical archive of emails,
an automatic process records messages
by recipient, month, and year.

Main features:

historical archive of emails

transparently records all the emails

webmail interface

a secure web area to read online mxbox email messages

Subsections of mxbox app

historical archive of emails

archive emails

Email messages are the main channel of modern business communications.
Their accidental loss would great damage the company’s knowledge base.
Furthermore, business correspondence should generally be kept for up to ten years.

 !! if your company is using personal mailboxes
 such as  
 you must have informed the senders before activating this function

We provide you with a dedicated inbound email domain,
so RealSender’s “mxbox” app archives transparently
all the emails, that you can access via:

  • a special pop3 mailbox
    configured to accept large amounts of emails in a short time

  • a secure web area
    available online through a customized version of our webmail interface

An automatic process archives the messages divided by recipient, month and year.

When associated with RealSender Secure Email Gateway,
all the sent emails are duplicated and archived automatically.

Request a free trial

webmail interface

mxbox web monitor

Web-interface features:

  • List messages in a mailbox
  • Displays content of a particular message
  • Displays source of a message (headers + body)
  • Displays HTML version of a message (in a new window)
  • List MIME attachments with buttons to display or download
  • Delete a message
  • Monitor: a real time display of all received messages

mxbox email message

A working demo is available in our (free) postmaster tools area:
» inxbox temporary email

Request a free trial